Limited Edition Small Batch Barrel Strength Bourbon 750ml
Four Roses Limited Edition Small Batch Bourbon is an expertly crafted whiskey bottled at barrel strength and highlights masterful craftsmanship and iconic blending techniques. This 2021 release is aged a minimum of 12 years, is bottled at 114.2 proof, and combines 4 of the 10 legacy bourbon recipes distinct to Four Roses; 12 year old OESK(#7, yeast K), 14 year old OBSQ (#4, yeast Q), 16 year old OESV (#6, yeast V), and 16 year old OBSV (#1, yeast V). Crafted from a ratio of both OB and OE proprietary mash bills; (B) 60% corn, 35% rye, 5% malted barley, and (E) 75% corn, 20% rye, 5% malted barley – 2021 Four Roses LESB was released in a run of 14,500 hand-numbered bottles and is a richly-hued wonder whiskey with a perfectly smooth finish.