Blanco Tequila 750ml
Tequila Esperanto Seleccion was the dream of a young Mexican man, whose vision was to create for the world a high-quality Mexican tequila. after more than a decade, this dream has culminated in the creation of Tequila Esperanto seleccion, a brand recognized by connnisseurs all over the world for its superior quality. Tequila Esperanto Blanco is elaborated with great dedication and under strict quality procedures, in one of the oldest and traditional distilleries of Tequila, Jalisco well-known as “El Llano”. We carefully select the blue agave, “Tequilana Weber”, and after cooking we initiate the extraction of the nectar, and then our Tequila is submitted under a process of triple distillation. Esperanto Tequila Blanco is triple distilled and full of Agave flavor, extremely smooth on the palate