Kosher Straight Rye 750ml
Buffalo Trace Distilling continues their alliance with the Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc) to provide Kosher approved liquor sourced and designed with Passover requirements in mind. Their Kosher Straigh Rye recipe strictly adheres to brewing regulations noted by the cRc for a bold, rich whiskey flavor suitable for the vibrant Jewish community. This whiskey is released annually after the Passover holiday and enriches any celebration or sipping occasion. With one swirl, the aroma of wood shaded fields of flowers comes to mind, along with valleys of citrus trees. Honey and sweet green grape follow with bright notes of cherry, licorice, and the essence of smoked cinnamon. Whiskey appreciators alike will savor the tastes of dark oak, warm cinnamon sugar, and nutmeg. The tongue also rivals in the sweetly sour bite of green apple and citrus peel all of which are dosed in a smooth buttercream and sprinkled in honey soaked peaches. Buffalo Trace Kosher Straight rye is, from start to finish, full, rich, and smoky for an utterly fantastic mouth experience.