Chateau de Laubade Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
The Bardstown Bourbon Company Chateau de Laubade Straight Bourbon Whiskey (second edition) is a 107-proof blend of 10 and 12 year old straight bourbons finished in Laubade Armagnac barrels for an additional 16 months. An exceptional and unique bourbon whiskey that brings classic bourbon notes with a touch of Armagnac sweetness, this complex and considered straight blend is a must-try for fans of unusual and interesting sippers. This profoundly unique whiskey is composed of 2 distinct mash bills, namely; 66% (12 year old) Kentucky bourbon derived from 75% corn, 13% rye, 12% malted barley, and 17% (10 year old) Tennessee bourbon comprised of 84% corn, 8% rye, and 8% malted barley.