Artesanal Blanco Suave Tequila 750ml
Blanco tequila from Arette’s premium Suave range, which is allowed to rest for six months in stainless steel tanks before bottling, which helps to mellow the spirit’s flavour profile. The name, Arette, comes from a horse who won a gold medal in Equestrian Jumping at the 1948 Olympics. Arette is a brand of Tequila produced by the Orendain family. The current masters distillers represent the fifth generation producing tequila. Made from 100% estate-grown lowlands Agave, Arette has always prioritized quality over quantity, preserving the original artisanal practices. After 15 hours of roasting, agave are shredded and fermented with a special house yeast in the distilleries original cement vat for 6-7 days, and finally pot distilled and double-filtered before bottling.