Russell’s Reserve Single Barrel Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
With a rush of wildness and pure natural flavor, Wild Turkey Russell’s Reserve Single Barrel Kentucky straight bourbon dives into your sense without any hint of reservation. Warm and full of quality ingredients, this whiskey is one you’ll add to your collectors list from the very first pour. The scent opens with a kind of mustiness, like an aged oak barn full of older grain and even older wood. There are hints of dark herbs and sweet tides of honey and anise over bites of dried fruits and cherry. Whispered tones of guava and grapefruit glide on notes of vanilla just off the backend. The mouth is further entranced with a taste of darkly warmed honey and caramel over vanilla. More hits of fruit including black cherries and apples rise to the surface on a wave of candied licorice and cinnamon spice. Wild Turkey Russell’s Reserve single barrel Kentucky bourbon will ‘reserve’ its spot in your whiskey collection from the last, faded oak note rolling off your warmly romanced tongue.