Genesis Lalique 72 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml
As much a spectacular piece of engineering as it is a breathtaking whisky, The Macallan’s 72 Years Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky in the Genesis Decanter by Lalique is one of the most exquisite pieces of art ever produced by the Highlands based distiller. The Genesis Decanter contains the oldest whisky ever released by Macallan, with its released designed to celebrate a seminal moment in the history of The Macallan. Inspired by and honouring a new dawn, the bottle was designed by acclaimed architects Rogers Stirk Harbour, whose incredible avant-garde design epitomises the groundbreaking, innovative ethos of the Macallan Distillery. The decanters clean lines and natural curves reflect the clean and remarkably complex profile of the whisky, which will no doubt go down as one of the most historically significant productions in Macallan’s history. A must-have for collectors of the most exquisite and enigmatic single-malt Scotch whiskies, the Genesis Lalique 72 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky is class personified, and a bottle that will elevate any connoisseurs portfolio.