Reposado Tequila Rosado 750ml
With a blush of pink and sweet bites of summer strawberries, this limited expression of Don Julio Reposado Tequila Rosado is a masterfully crafted tequila aged in select French oak Ruby Port wine casks imported from the Douro region of Portugal. Matured for a minimum of 4 months in these superior casks, this 100% agave tequila shimmers with a kind of candied sweetness that is undeniable and utterly quaffable. Don Julio allowed each agave plant to grow to its full maturity before harvesting. He would then select only the most succulent portions, before slowly roasting them for 72-hour cycles. The result is an aromatic wonder of summer berries, spice, and dark fruits complimenting a palate of plums, smoked cocoa, and raspberries coated in sticky caramel.