Joven Sipping Tequila 750ml
Introducing Casa Dragones Joven Sipping Tequila; highly-prized tequila from one of the most respected independent tequila producers in the world. This decadently finished 100% blue Weber agave tequila was co-created by Casa Dragones founder Bertha Gonzalez Nieves – the first female certified Master of Tequila! Produced through a multi-distillation method that uses pure volcanic spring water from the town of Tequila, Mexico, this wonderfully vibrant liquor was cited as the “Tastemakers’ Top Tequila” by Forbes and features a marriage of hand-blended un-aged silver tequila with a perfect balance of extra mature tequila. Casa Dragones Joven is double-distilled and finished in American white oak barrels for a minimum of 5 years. Bottled at 40% ABV, this small-batch tequila was first released in 2009 and offers consumers a clean, sweet palate and decadent finish.